Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kuyasa Rising - THIS IS YOU!!!

Kuyasa (koo-yah-suh) - Zulu word meaning "new hope; new dawn"

This part is for you! This is definitely a team effort and we would love to have you on board with us:
- PRAY!!!! - Really - I can't repeat it enough times. Our prayers are powerful and as we intercede, we change the world. We have confidence that God will do mighty things as we stand in His authority and choose to live in the "impossible".
- ADVOCATE - We need to get the word out and start informing people about Jabulani Afrika and "Every Orphan's Hope". If you could give your time by passing out flyers, making phone calls, or even e-mailing or posting about the cause that would be wonderful! Let's spread the vision.
- SUPPORT - Investigate, pray about, and consider orphan sponsorship....