Monday, February 16, 2009

Jubulani Afrika -- Who We Are

Jabulani (jah-boo-LAH-nee) - "to bring happiness; to rejoice; jubilant"

These are the people behind the scenes.

We're a Christian group of students who ministered to orphans in Zambia in the summer of 2007 with an organization called "Every Orphan's Hope"

What is our purpose?
We're working together with the goal of getting 300 Zambian orphans sponsored by people in the U.S. These are children who we worked closely with and got to know on an individual level.

If you're interested in sponsoring a child please e-mail "Every Orphan's Hope" at:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kuyasa Rising - THIS IS YOU!!!

Kuyasa (koo-yah-suh) - Zulu word meaning "new hope; new dawn"

This part is for you! This is definitely a team effort and we would love to have you on board with us:
- PRAY!!!! - Really - I can't repeat it enough times. Our prayers are powerful and as we intercede, we change the world. We have confidence that God will do mighty things as we stand in His authority and choose to live in the "impossible".
- ADVOCATE - We need to get the word out and start informing people about Jabulani Afrika and "Every Orphan's Hope". If you could give your time by passing out flyers, making phone calls, or even e-mailing or posting about the cause that would be wonderful! Let's spread the vision.
- SUPPORT - Investigate, pray about, and consider orphan sponsorship....

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Every Orphan's Hope

This is the organization that we are working through to sponsor children. Sponsoring through Every Orphan's Hope is very similar to sponsoring through World Vision or Compassion International except that Every Orphan's Hope is specific to Zambia and not worldwide.

Every Orphan’s Hope: We are committed to sharing the love of Jesus Christ with orphaned children in Africa. We’re an interdenominational evangelical Christian ministry serving on the front-lines of the battle for a generation of children orphaned by AIDS.

Mission Statement: To Love, Protect and Care for Orphans Affected and Infected by the HIV/AIDS Pandemic.

STRATEGY: Through Local Christian Churches We: Visit, Defend, Comfort, Encourage, Care for and Pray for Orphans.

PURPOSE: Through Acts of Love We: Reveal the Gospel of Christ, Encourage the Church, Disciple the Nations and Glorify God.

Financial Integrity:
Every Orphan’s Hope is committed to the highest standards of financial integrity. We strive to earn and maintain your trust in our ability to effectively steward the resources God has entrusted to us through your generous giving.
The Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) recognized our compliance with their Standards of Responsible Stewardship and certified Every Orphan’s Hope as an accredited member in 2005. We’ve maintained membership in good standing through our annual independent financial audits and through the ECFA annual membership review. Visit the ECFA web site to learn more about the Standards of Responsible Stewardship, your donor rights and the ministry of Every Orphan’s Hope. You can also request copies our IRS Form 990’s.

Saturday, February 16, 2008


If you're interested in sponsoring a child please e-mail us at

What is Orphan Sponsorship?
Orphan Sponsorship is your commitment to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ to an orphaned child through your tangible support of their present needs and their future hopes and dreams.

What is the commitment?
The commitment is $43 per month until the child is 18-years-old. In some cases you have the option of continuing support after the child has turned 18 so that they can pursue further education.

How Does the Sponsorship Help?
Your sponsorship resources are in direct support of the orphan you have committed to care for. Five primary areas of support are provided, some at differing levels and some at different times according to the need. They are:
(1.) Education – School fees are paid directly to the State or Private school in the sponsored child’s community. Shoes for school, uniforms and school supplies are also provided from your sponsorship.
(2) Basic Food and Non-Food Items – Food staples such as Mealie Meal, rice, meat, poultry, fish, salt, sugar, cooking oil and other basic food and non-food items such as cooking charcoal, water and electricity are provided from your sponsorship.
(3) Healthcare – Sponsorship allows your sponsored child access to a clinic whenever they might need diagnosis or treatment. NOTE: Health care is not always available in every community where we work or where the child lives.
(4) Clothing & Miscellaneous – As needed, your sponsored child will be provided essential clothing items, blankets, a jacket or items such as essential toiletries and personal hygiene products.
(5) Discipleship Material – Age appropriate discipleship materials such as a Holy Bible, Bible Story Books, and other Christian education materials will be provided from your sponsorship.

How Can I Monitor My Sponsored Child’s Progress?
The Orphan Sponsorship program is administered through a local church in the community where your child lives. Additional oversight is provided through the local Every Orphan's Hope Ministry Coordinator. You are encouraged to develop regular communication with the Every Orphan's Hope Ministry Coordinator and your sponsored child.